Tuesday, November 25, 2008

4 Months Old!!!

Okay, I am in total disbelief that Jackson is 4 months old. Where is all the time going and how do I make it slow down? He is now officially eating cereal. He is also rolling over, sitting up for a few seconds, grabbing & holding objects, and my favorite.....laughing out loud. It make me so happy to have such a healthy, happy, beautiful baby boy, but it makes me sad at how quickly he is growing. Since I know that he will be my last baby, I guess I secretly want him to stay tiny for-ever!

We took Jackson in today for his 4-month check up with Dr. Henschel and he weighed in at a whopping 18 pounds which put him in the 90th percentile for weight. He was 29 inches long, 75th percentile for height. He got two shots that he didn't really seem to mind. I think he little legs are so fat that he didn't even realize he got poked...hehe! The doctor said he looked great, was perfectly healthy, and that we wouldn't have to go back until he is 6-months.

Here is a slide of some pictures taken this month

1 comment:

Stephanie Smith said...

Gosh, I LOVE that orange vest he's rockin'!